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Agricultural Commission Minutes 11-15-11
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 15 November 2011
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Richard Pelletier 779-5521 Term Exp 6/30/2013
Eric Schartner 779-0212 Term Exp 6/30/2013
Robyn Roberts 779-8930 Term Exp 6/30/2014
A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on 15 November, 2011 at Town Hall. The meeting
was called to order at 7:48 pm. Commission members in attendance: Barbara Parente, Betsy Taylor-Kennedy,
Richard Pelletier. Absent: Eric Schartner, Robyn Roberts
The October 2011 minutes were approved and submitted.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions
Board of Health (OPEN)
· Planning Board (Schartner) no report
· Board of Selectmen (Parente): no report
· Conservation Commission (Pelletier): no report
· Conservation Trust (Taylor-Kennedy): no report
Complaints/Requests for Site Visits
Storbeck/Ashe: Rich and Robin visited Sue Storbeck’s yard. There was little or no manure in
evidence. The dumpster was out for repair. It was a “warmish” fall day with a breeze across the yard.
The condition did not match Martha Ashe’s description.
· Coolidge/Kashuba: Rich called Tom Kashuba and asked that submit the information about the nature
of his complaint in writing to the AgCom. Rich couldn’t contact Bob Coolidge. The concern is about
the ancillary use of a sawmill as an agricultural use.
New Business
Open Space Plan: more discussion in December. Members to review the Open Space Plan section 8,
Goals and Objectives, sent out by Carol Gumbart.
· FY2013 Budget: (due November 17) Using level funding to match last year ($1746), amounts were
allotted as follows:
Bolton Fair $800, Spring Ag Sale $300, Farmers’ Dinner $300, Postage $100 (mailing to new
residents), Awareness Activities (map, website, stickers, brochures) $246
TOTAL $1746
Betsy to submit budget info to Pam Powell by Nov. 17.
Old Business
Fall Ag Sale and Taste of the Ma(i)ze were snowed out.
2. Multi-town Farmers’ Meeting: update postponed to December. (Eric)
3. Emergency Management: update postponed to December. (Robyn)
4. Wayfinding Grant: members to review consultant’s report. Signage is planned for 5 major farms.
May want to include Pleasant Garden Daylilies (Sallyann King) since she uses (seasonal) signage.
Possibly Jo Barb Farms?
5. AgCom Website: Rich has obtained administrative access to the website from Joe Kovacs. The
minutes preparer should send a copy of minutes (updated with any corrections made at meetings) to
Barbara to be made into .pdfs for posting on the website.
Future Meetings/Events
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 December, 2011 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall
· Multi-town Farmers’ Meeting: TBD 2012
· Spring Ag Sale: TBD 2012
· Taste of Bolton: TBD 2012
The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm.